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360 Collective
The 360 Collective is an education consulting cooperative with an uncommon approach to school and student success.
Blackout Strike
California National Party
The California National Party was founded in 2015 with the aim of forging and supporting California-focused solutions to the issues that face our home. We are united behind a platform of economic growth that serves all our people, with protection of our rights, resources, wealth, and natural environment. While our long-term goal is complete political independence for California, our immediate aims are to fight for full access to housing, healthcare, and political representation for all Californians.
Claim our space now
Democracy At Work
Co-founded by renowned, economy Professor Richard Wolff, Democracy at Work is a worker-led, small-donor-funded non-profit making media that says we can do better than capitalism - an unjust economic system that is at odds with democracy. For us, critiquing the system isn’t taboo, it’s the first step to a better world.
Democracy Unlimited
Democracy Unlimited uplifts people to build a world where our systems of power prioritize the well-being of humans and the living world.
Empire 13 is a grassroots activity organization founded by a group of Black workers experiencing racial discrimination at Empire Comfort Systems in Belleville, Illinois.
Evolving Seeds
We are a coalition of labor unions, climate organizations, student bodies, and social justice groups united in our commitment for systemic change. Our objective is to inspire, unite and connect our coalition to instigate an era of general strikes to confront the elephant in the room: capitalism.
General Strike for Resignations (GS4R)
Here for the kids (H4TK)
Latinx Parenting
Bilingual organization rooted in children's rights, social and racial justice and antiracism, the individual and collective practice of nonviolence and reparenting, intergenerational and ancestral healing, cultural sustenance, and the active decolonization of oppressive practices in our families.
Michigan Alliance of Timebanks
National Strike Fund / Rebecca Parson
My name is Rebecca Parson, and I'm using what I've learned from running for Congress to help striking workers get their demands met. For several years, a strikewave has been sweeping the nation. But one thing is lacking: a national strike fund.
The Panther Party
The Panther Party operates in solidarity with The Black Panther Party in the fight for the people to have the power over themselves and their destinies.
A Radical Guide is a unique media project that explores the history, stories, places, and people of resistance. With over 1000 radical locations listed worldwide and growing daily, we provide you with access to a wealth of information on resistance
RAdical Guide
Red Heart coalition
Red Heart Coalition was created in the spring of 2023 as a reaction to a high need for mutual aid and to the preparation needed for the General Strike. Now, RHC is acquiring property and creating an online learning center to teach others how to create and run their own mutual aid coalitions.
The Saners
We are a worldwide community, determined to use nonviolent noncooperation to fix the polycrisis, halt climate collapse, and replace this dying civilization with a sane, caring one. We intend to use the history-proven principles of nonviolent noncooperation to prevent climate collapse and replace the current “civilization” with a humane, sane society.
Seeding Sovereignty
Shutdown 315 is a decentralized network of thousands of activists building towards a national, shutdown on March 15th, 2025 to seize power back from corporations and the wealthy elite. Calling for both a strike and a boycott of all large businesses, Shutdown 315 is using this day of action to build towards an effective General Strike when we reach 11 million Americans.
Strike Card | TikTok | BlueSky | Substack
An online community radically replacing oppressive systems with community systems of land, body, cultural and food sovereignty for collective liberation.
Shutdown 315
Upstream Podcast
We want to create hubs around 🌎 to have meaningful and effective communication for human rights.
55K Followers, 32K Likes
48.9K Followers, 2.4M Likes
32.2K Followers, 759.3K Likes
24.6K Followers, 66.2K Likes
23.3K Followers, 2.1M Likes
20.0K Followers, 17.8K Likes
17.6K Followers, 235.3 Likes
10.1K Followers, 136.8K Likes
9.6K Followers, 139.9K Likes
9.2K Followers, 171.6K Likes
8K Followers, 374.4K Likes
6.5K Followers, 406.2K Likes
5.1K Followers, 42.9 Likes
4.2K Followers, 63.3 Likes
3.9K Followers, 89.1K Likes
3.5K Followers, 36.9K Likes
2.9K Followers, 35K Likes
2.9K Followers, 91.6K Likes
2.6K Followers, 16.8K Likes
2.5K Followers, 97K Likes