Who are we?

We’ve voted, we’ve protested, and this country still does not work on behalf of us working people. The General Strike is a network of regular people who know our greatest power is our labor and our right to refuse it. If we all strike together, we can make real change.


  • The General Strike is a decentralized network of people. This means we don’t have a traditional “leader” or hierarchical structure. Instead we have an ever shifting network of organizers, all working towards the General Strike in their own way. Check out our values for more info.

  • Our broad list of demands includes, but is not limited to: Climate action. Universal healthcare. Racial justice. Reproductive rights. LGBTQIA+ rights. Living wage / raise the minimum wage. Immigration reform. Education reform. Gun safety. Tax the rich. Affordable housing. Disability rights. Welfare and child support reform. Voters rights. Constitutional convention. Paid family and medical leave. Criminal justice system reform. Workers’ rights. Permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

    Specific demands will come from leaders and experts of existing fights for racial, economic, gender and environmental justice.

    When the The General Strike has reached 6M Strike Cards, we will reach out to our partners to draft these demands. Sign your Strike Card now to get us closer to the 11M cards we need to Strike!

  • For our strike to have the greatest impact, we need more people on board. Here’s the plan: we will strike once we have accumulated 11M Strike Cards or 3.5% of the US population and we know we can win.

    To help us get there, sign your Strike Card today… and get a few friends to sign too! Si se puede.

  • Research shows that strikes engaging a threshold of 3.5% of the population have never failed to bring about change.

    3.5% of the US population is 11M people. When we have 11M Strike Card signed, we Strike! Sign your Strike Card today.

  • Everyday people like yourself contribute to various fundraisers started by local chapters. To learn more, head to our Donate section!

  • A few partners have committed to providing legal guidance for the strike. If you need free and confidential legal help regarding The Strike, please contact:


  • Historically, successful general strikes can last from one day to over a month. Recently, a general strike in Panama lasted about a month. In France, a recent general strike lasted several weeks. We are committed to sustaining the General Strike for as long as we can and as long as it takes to have our demands met.

  • The right to strike is protected by the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) and is considered a fundamental labor right for workers in the United States. That said, depending on the sector and industry in which someone works, various laws dictate whether a strike is legal, and when and how a strike can occur.

    We believe some amount of “trouble” is necessary to fundamentally change the current system.

  • If you would like to explore partnership between your organization and ours, please reach out to: info@TheGeneralStrikeUS.com

  • If you are committed to striking on Strike Day, the best thing you can do is sign your Strike Card now. Then, do whatever you can to sign up more folks. What can YOU do to make The General Strike the biggest grassroots movement in American history? Do that.